
Monday 9 September 2013

Snail City

OUR garden is like a convention for slugs and snails. I’m serious. I could supply all the restaurants in France with them.

And our slugs don’t just stop at the leaves. Oh no. They even eat the flowers as well.

hosters ravaged by slugs and snails
On a visit to a garden centre the other day I picked up what I thought was the answer to my prayers.

A bottle of slug formula that you let down and then water the plants with. I duly followed the instructions.

It’s clearly powerful stuff as it killed my gorgeous gerbera but failed to deter the slimy pests.

In fact they’ve eaten more than before. Perhaps they thrive on it. A bit like the wildlife in the immediate vicinity of the Chernobyl disaster.

I can’t use slug pellets as my Jack Russell is attracted to them as well as the slugs.

Since taking up gardening a few mysteries have puzzled me. We have day lilies. One day I decided to photograph them. When I looked out of the window they looked like they had died over night.

drooping day lillies

A few days later they appeared to come back to life. Maybe they are just camera shy?

I have also discovered that if any water hits flowers when you are watering plants they seem to rot away and die.

If this is the case how do plants survive outside when it rains? If anyone has the answer to any of these mysteries please email me.

I also need to discover whether a holly bush in my garden is in fact poison ivy. 

mystery ivy

I thought that only existed in America but when I pruned it the other day I came out in a rash and was itching for days.

Our back garden is improving though. 


panoramic view of the garden


The other day I cleared all the weeds and rocks from the side of the shed.



I plan to put down scree to stop weeds coming up and make it look smarter. 

I also plan a vegetable patch at the bottom of the garden if I can make them grow in partial shade. 

Again if anyone knows the answer to this please contact me.

I have decided to plant snowdrop bulbs under the holly trees.

Seeds I have planted in the past have failed to come up as promised but I will have to wait until next Spring to find out if I really do have a green thumb.